Ron Wiener's 2025 update:
- Work with Tele’Drama on zoom where I am a faculty member.
a) January 24/25th co-facilitating a workshop on 1 to 1 sociodrama
b) In preparation – The Trial of Goosey Goosey Gander – which I will also offer at the British Psychodrama Association annual conference
c) Further workshops later in the year
- ISCAN (the International Sociodrama and Creative Action Methods network)
a) Facilitate a fortnightly international support for action methods practitioners
b) Co-running at the end of January on zoom the first of a new series bi-monthly workshops for its Drop In programme on The World as we’ve rarely known it
- Continuing to co-facilitate a fortnightly sociodrama support group on zoom for Ukrainian therapists
- Training – starting in April I will be part of a team from ISCAN running a sociodrama course on zoom in India for the PIL institute.
- Continue to co-facilitate a weekly improv. drama workshop
- Offering mentoring and supervision sessions both live and on zoom.
- Psychology
a) co-facilitating a community psychology day for clinical psychology trainees at Leeds University
b) member of local and national ‘psychology for social change’ groups
- IOC – member of the International Organizing Committee for the international sociodrama conferences, the next of which will held in Turkey in June 2026
- Writing – among other things am rewriting a chapter on sociodrama for a forthcoming book in German on sociodrama.