Consultancy Areas: Mentor and Supervisor | Academic and Publications | Community Theatre | Sociodrama
Community Theatre Director
- Strategic Visioner - Leeds: The Story (2013-2015)
- Writer and co-director of a play 'The Vikings' for Strawberry Fields Primary School in Garforth, Leeds (2015)
- Creator and Producer of Bradford the Musical (2004-2006)
- Devisor and Director of Leeds on Trial performed at Leeds Summat 2011
Artistic Director of:
- Don't Act Your Age - a long running social improvisation weekly group for over 50's based in Leeds
- The Curtain Up Players - an amateur theatre group for the over 50's based in Huddersfield who perform their own plays for a variety of community audiences. Some of these plays have been published in The Handy Book of Unscripted Plays, available from Amazon and The Company also has a facebook page Curtain Up Players
- ChaiCup - an Asian theatre company performing Ammi is Fine - a play in English and Urdu highlighting the issue of dementia for South Asian audiences.
- I also mentor a company in New York - Acting for a Change - that I helped to set up.
- Play in a Day Workshops in Huddersfield, Leeds and Newcastle, and at the 10th Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival in Belfast
- Forum theatre sessions in Coventry and Birmingham
I am writing to say a big thank you to the very talented Ron for delivering a fantastic and fun day last weekend for the ‘Play in a Day’ event.
- Aliah Syed
It was a really brilliant day and you did a fantastic job
- Madeleine Frost, Youth Theatre Director, Lawrence Batley Theatre
Relevant Articles:
- Acting against ageing: the theatre group helping older people stay creative, The Guardian online newspaper, July 2014 - view article
- Ron Wiener: Notes from a European Workshop: Spontaneity theatre meets sociodrama In R. Wiener, Di Adderley, K. Kirk: Sociodrama in a Changing World, Lulu 2011-12-22
- Psychodrama, Theatre and the Community, Forum, IAGP 1/2006 pp75-82
- Bradford the Musical – A Producer’s View BPA Journal, Vol 20,No2 pp57-59
- Elders, Drama and the Good Life, Quality in Ageing, Vol. 10, No4. 2009, pp 49-52
- with Linda Richmond: Acting for a change: Using Psychodrama to Enhance Spontaneity, Connections and Change in the Development of a Senior Improvisation Theatre Group- The Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy, vol 65, No 1, 2017, pp99-110.
- The Handy Book of Unscripted Plays Lulu 2017 (Ron Wiener ed.)